Thursday, February 3, 2011

Confessions of an impatient crafter -

Started a cross stitch project for my MHC project. It's on navy blue fabric and that is HARD to stitch on! I've done projects on colored Aida cloth before but nothing this dark. It's a challenge!

For this project, I'm supposed to use some blending filaments and the chart gives a very specific manufacturer's name. In my little town I have exactly one choice for cross-stitch supplies. They carry items from those particular manufacturer's but not the specific items that the pattern calls for so I am seriously considering subsitituting. I know what I'm looking for and I'm certain that I've seen similar products by other distributors so I think I may just do the substitute thing rather than taking the time to find it on the internet and order.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I found you through Bloggy Moms and I am now following you. I hope you will follow me back.
